We are inspired by passionate equestrians, like you, who support our nonprofit mission. For 21 years, JustWorld International has united the global equestrian community to make humanity better.
Ambassadors from around the world—riders, industry professionals, owners, fans and officials across all ages, levels and disciplines—spread awareness and fundraise to support JustWorld Global Projects, changing the world one stride at a time.
Children living in developing communities worldwide face dangerous conditions and lack access to resources to meet their basic needs. The most powerful tool that can help them change their lives is: education.
JustWorld strategically partners with proven, vetted organizations in developing communities to provide education, healthcare, and nutrition programs benefitting nearly 10,000 children around the world annually. We rely on a global network of Ambassadors like you who give generously and create a path for others to Ride for the Cause. Ambassadors spread the message of JustWorld through branded merchandise, social media, interviews, and volunteering.
•JWI news and immediate ways to help
•Updates on the impacts of your donations
•Ambassador quarterly newsletter, #RideForTheCause Roundup
•Public recognition for your commitment to #RideForTheCause
•Invitation to exclusive events
•Access to JWI Leadership Development Program
•Opportunity to visit JWI global projects
•Access to Ambassador merchandise
•Opportunity to earn points, rewards and discounts toward exclusive items from our sponsors
•Letters of recommendation for school or work
Who Can Be An Ambassador?
Anyone in the global equestrian community who shares a passion for giving back, whether you’re a rider, official, show staff, owner or fan.
Where are Ambassadors needed?
JustWorld maintains Global Projects in Cambodia, Guatemala, Honduras, and the United States (Florida.) JWI Ambassadors are our heartbeat- the driving force behind many support initiatives held at horse shows worldwide. Make a difference from your home base or your local show circuit, wherever that is.
What Can Ambassadors Do?
As an Ambassador, your monthly investment of $25 ensures that children at our Global Projects have the healthcare, shelter and nourishment they need to learn and grow. Your volunteer contributions—whether hosting a fundraiser, spreading the word on social media or supporting an initiative at a show—provide valuable resources, thanks to your unique skills and creativity.
Once you’ve completed the application form, you’ll receive a confirmation email. We will process your application and follow up with a link to register your monthly pledge and sign-up for the next available virtual orientation. After your second month as an Ambassador, you’ll receive a complimentary JustWorld hat. Show the world your affiliation and support!
Azalia Jane Lavigne
Elizabeth Powell
Mary Caroline Nolan
Elena Haas
Joanna Szabo
Melody Liu
Corinne Sweeney
Breann Makarus
Rodney Tulloch
Chloe Kuang
Bea Kiggen
Daphne Boogaard
Alina Zappone
Annika Kriening
Lena Hellmann
Eva Muller
Gabriela Caicedo
Cora Greenstreet
Taylor Caballero
Sofia Popescu
Addison Wright
Sandy Smith
Gerald Kuh
Phillip Rozon
Pippa Mirsky
Miranda de Legorburu
Noa Sternthal
Annika Forno
Valeska Furlong
LuElla Bacon
Tarik El Amri
Nina Mallevaey
Philippa Ammann
Emma Kelly
Lyla Ibrahim
Tatum Anderson
Noa Sternthal
Harlow Martin
Campbell Jones
Savana Lue
Laila Edwards
Since 2019, JustWorld International has been the Official Charity Partner of the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). Focusing on raising awareness for the education, healthcare and nutrition programs provided to children in developing communities, the partnership encourages equestrians from around the world to support a cause and proven methodology that is changing lives and fracturing the cycle of poverty.
These incredible organizations are the driving force behind our mission to change the world. With their unwavering support, we are able to make a lasting impact and create meaningful change.
Abby Jorgensen
Abby McCorriston
Abdelkader Maamar
Abdeslam Benovani Smires
Abdulla Al Mari
Adam Berengere
Addison Piper
Aiko Paridaen
Alea Lasaponara
Alessia Arrigo Zazadze
Alex Afzal
Alexa Leong
Alexa Lignelli
Alexa Stiegler
Alexander Zetterman
Alexandra Crown
Alexandra Cudre-Mauroux
Alexandra Fyffe
Alexandra Lieberman
Alexandra Olivia Pace
Alexandra Worthington
Alexia Hilpipre
Alexine Carr
Alexis Gorman
Alfreed Boll
Ali Mikhail
Alice Debany Clero
Alicia Mottu
Alison Drummond
Allison Kroff
Amanda Schweitzer
Amelia Ruth
Amy Knox
Ana Holguin
Ana Sofia Perez Facusse
André Mershad
Angela Covert
Angelica Augustsson
Ann Miller Morton
Anna Buffini
Anna C Gansauer
Anna Kaplan
Annabelle MF Taxis
Anne Caroline Valtin
Annelise Klepper
Annika Herbruger
Antoinette Lévy
Apolline Desarmeaux
Ariane Stiegler
Arnaud Delbecque
Ashleigh Conroy-Zugel
Ashley Ann Yoffee
Ashley Holzer
Ashley Hugh Pace
Ashley Keno
Aster Nicolas
Audrey Allen
Ava Le
Avery-Anna Hogan
Avery Lambert
Azade Apa Triolet
Barbara Steurer-Collee
Bea Kiggen
Bebe Davis
Bérangère Adam
Bérénice Laurent
Beverly Haffeman
Bianca Gomez
Bliss Heers
Brett Morgan Burlington
Brianne Link
Brooke Sassa
Bryan Balsiger
Bryanna Welsh
Brylee Dickey
Caitlin Ziegler
Camilla Bingham
Camelia Huang
Candice King
Capucine Bourgeois
Carley McInerney
Carly Nasznic
Carolina Drummond
Caroline Bersch
Caroline Cadorette
Caroline Mader
Cassie Gorsline
Catherine Pasmore
Cecilia Johansson
Cedric Triolet
Cesar Hirsch
Charles-Henri Ferme
Charlotte Briffeuil
Chiara Amor
Chloe Neeser
Chloe Terestchenko
Chris Von Martels
Christian Dominguez
Christian Schacht
Christine Karake
Claire McDonald
Clara Mazuir
Clare Rooney
Claudia Villamil
Clemente Crevel
Coralie Maitre
Corinne Sweeney
Cyrine Cherif
Cyrus Marenzi
Dana Bandi
Daniel Aguirre
Daniel Bluman
Daniel Enrique Karam
Daniel Richard Patrick Delsart
Danielle Lambert
Danika Marzillier
Dara Pelkey-Field and Michael Field
David Aissa
David Ziegler
Dawson Alexander Amick
Demi Kalyn
Denise Fraile
Denise Quirk
Devon Pomeroy
Diana Bienstock
Diana Maria Atala
Diane Montigny
Dora Bogran
Dorien Boden
Dorothee Sellin
Dylann Ephraimson
Edward Levy
Eleanor Lynn-Manns
Elena Elisa Couttenye
Elizabeth Siadous
Elizabeth Stroh
Ella McCaw
Elodie Levy
Emilie Stampfli
Emilio Medina
Emma Guevara
Emma Hanono
Emma Lauzon
Emma Marie Hyslop
Emma Ridinger
Emmanuel Sudret
Eric Navet
Erika Hogg-Belden
Erin Duffy
Erin Nichols
Esteban Herbruger
Ethan Calvo
Evelyn Sander
Evrard De Spa
Farah Rizvi
Fatemah Al Sulaiman
Fatine Maamar
Faustian Dupont
Federico Herbruger
Felipa Xara-Brasil
Filippo Marco Bologni
Fiona Brown
Fiona J. Lightbody
Flora Tabouret
Francie Steinwedell-Carvin
Franck Curti
Franco Botta
Gabriel Herbruger
Gabriela Maradiaga
Gaetian De Croix
Galilea Rodriguez
Genevieve Meyer
Gerald Kuh
Geraldine Pajalte
Gianna Fogarty
Gigi Spragg
Grace Carucci
Grace Nutting
Grace Powers
Guilherme Jorge
Guillaume Canet
Guillaume Gillioz
Hailey Avery
Haliegh Sonia Townsend
Hannah Famulak
Hannah Heidegger
Hannah Hoch
Hannah Selleck
Hans and Karen Ephraimson
Haysam Eid
Heidi Walton-Brown
Hervé Godignon
Holis H. Toussaint
Hunter Siebel
Ilona Garcia
Imke Pacheco
Ines Minondo
Isabel Aguirre
Isabel Ryan
Isabella Acevedo
Isabella Bendana
Isabella Corletto
Isabella Maradiaga
Isabella Valdes
Isabelle Blair
Isabelle Strom
Isheau Wong
Ivana Sagastume
Jack Chi-Feng Huang
Jade-Fleur Calaque
Jaiden Mackel
Jaime Rishi
James Benedetto
Janick Herren
Jenna Buchan
Jennifer Jung
Jerome Ringot
Jessica Fan
Jessica Shannon
Joanna Szabo
Johnny Rez
Jonathan Ding
Jovanna Stepan Risso
Juan Andres Rodriguez
Juan Matute Guimon
Julia Tops
Julie E. Coles
Julie Hoff
Juliette Padet
Justine Gratpanche
Kaelyn Kennedy
Kamel Boudra
Karen Hao
Katarina Ivanovich
Kate Morrison
Katherine Powers
Kathleen Beekmann
Kathryn Southam
Kathryn Ann Dotterweich
Katie Moniz Floyd
Katie Teehan
Katrina Komitsch
Kelly-Anne Guegan
Kelly McInerney
Kelly Rodriguez
Kevin Babington
Kevin Gauthier
Kevin Staut
Kira Kerkorian
Kirsten Reinhart
Kris Moyer
Krista Moyer
Krystina Conway
Kyara Semrau
Landry Lies
Lanie Walkenbach
Lanxi Pan
Lara Leticia Gabrie, Valerio
Laura Hetzel
Laura Kraut
Laura Mathy
Laura Rozier
Laura Southard
Lauren Storic
Lea Theodat
Leah Zimeri
Lenir Alejandro Perez Facusse
Leopoldo Palacios
Liliane Kaissar
Lilli Collee
Lillian Soroken
Lillian Wood
Lilly Nace
Linda Keenan
Lisa Apa
Lisa Nooren
Loritz Mandzibal
Lou-Andrea Callaweart
Louanne Charlet
Louisa Soohoo
Louise Ameeuw
Louise Rochefort
Lucy Rappoport
Luigi Grazioso
Mackenzie Kelley
Madison Bradshaw
Madison Hilderman
Maggie Evans
Maggie Wolfe
Malak Althani
Malin Möller
Manon Reveillere
Margaux Aplincourt
Maria Aminoff
María Fernanda Aguilar
Maria Newman
Maria Stogioglou
Marian Ehlers
Marie Eugenie Angles
Marie Gairor
Marina Hands
Marissa Ann Rice
Mark Samuel
Markus Fuchs
Marlon Modolo Zanotelli
Mathilde Labat
Matt Morrissey
Matthew Acevedo
Maude Boulanger-Bouchard
Maude Frye
Maura Lautenbach
Megan Dalton
Megan MacPherson
Melvin Greveling
Mia Albelo
Mia Marzotto
Michael Josef Paul Polk
Michael Morrissey
Michelle Cojuangco Barrera
Miela Gross
Miki Yang
Milena Maria Pappas
Mimi Gochman
Molly Roberts
Morgan Dickerson
Nadav Sternbach
Nadine Kassner
Nadja Isabel Rajan
Natalia Maria Paz
Naya Shim
Neil O’Connor
Nick Skelton
Nicolas Michel
Nicolas Roldan
Nicolas Wettstein
Nicolas Yu
Nicole Paysen
Nicole Salazar
Nils Vilain
Olivia Barton
Olivia Chediak
Olivia Chowdry
Paige Walkenbach
Pamela Lawrence & Crossroads Equestrian Center IEA
Patricio and Antje Muente
Patrick Herve
Patrick Lam
Payton Capone
Pedro Cebulka
Philipp Zueger
Philippe Rozier
Phillip Rozon
Pierre Fleury
Raena Leung
Reagan Williams
Rebecca Kaarem
Rebecca Whittaker
Reed Kessler
Robin Perkins
Rodney Tulloch
Rodolfo Godoy
Roman Tourelle
Romane Brunot
Rose Keller
Rosie Kaissar
Rosie Powers
Rutherford Latham
Salim Ejnaini
Salome Guillon
Sam Ephraimson
Sam Koeppel
Samantha Lam
Sandra Gale Crabtree
Sandra Kristoffeasen
Sara Jorgensen
Sarah Abdi
Sarah DeMane
Sarah Elizabeth Hyde
Sarah Freedman
Saree Gordon - Solanki
Savana Garvey
Savonna Adell
Scarlett Wallis
Sebastien Cheves de Rize
Shakhboot Al Nahayan
Sharon Martinez
Shayne Dante
Sheika Latifa Al Maktoum
Shoug Al Nowais
Shreya Koushik
Siena Lipson
Siri Martine Bakken
Skylar Nelson
Skylar Rossi
Sofia Isabella Carbone
Sofia Smeigh
Sophia Cicerchia
Sophie Gochman
Sophie Gratpanche
Sophie Simpson
Stan Angot
Steven Wilde
Stina Thakor
Susannah Schuster
Susanne Schwetje-Kuytz
Sydney Callaway
Sydney Collier
Taylor Griffiths
Tazmyn Geere
Tegan Pedigo
Tess Carmichael
Tessa Brown
Tiffany Geere
Tiffany Molina
Timmy Dutta
Titi Mills
Titouan Schumacher
Torina Story Christensen
Trinity Beitler
Valentina Bendana
Valentine Belooussoff
Verity Charlotte Morwenna Stow
Veronica Bot
Victoire Escoffier
Victoire Vermot-Desroches
Victoria Karam
Vincent Deller
Virgile Goldberg
Vladimir Vinchon
Walid Redouane
Willam Grant Anderson
Lee Tubman
Wylie Nelson
Yannick Bichon
Zara Boyd
Zeycan Tudar
Zoe Freeland
Zoe Lehoux
Zoe McQuillan